Are you in a loving relationship but...

  • Miss the physical connection you used to have?

  • Are worried your sex has gotten more boring over time?

  • Feel like there's not enough time for sex?

  • Wonder if this is all there is? That your best sex is behind you?

  • Want to have new, exciting sexual experiences, but don't know where to start?

  • Are missing the "spark" you felt in the beginning?

What You'll Learn

  • Pussy pleasure - how to touch her pussy in ways that deeply turns her on

  • Cock challenge - the art of lasting longer, and increasing both your pleasure

  • How to create that feeling of "wanting" anytime

  • How to say what you really want in sex

  • Practical ways to make time for sex & keep a priority

  • Tantric teasers for full-body pleasure and deep intimacy

  • Racy roleplay - how to explore and play with your unspoken sexual fantasies

Hear from our clients...

  • Discovered Her Desire

    “I used to see sex as a chore. Doing these practices, I discovered my own arousal and genuine desire for sex. I finally had an orgasm without a vibrator. This really works.” - Nicole

  • Way More Sexual Pleasure

    “I thought our sex was the best I could hope for. Now we have completely transformed our sex life. We discovered way more sexual pleasure and satisfaction than I even thought was possible.” - Kevin

  • Meeting Each Other Anew

    “We felt truly held. And that made the passionate explosion in our relationship possible. Our relationship feels playful and sexy again. It’s like meeting each other for the first time again.” - Jess

  • Re-inspired About the Relationship

    “We can’t put into words the transformation we’ve experienced while working together. It has re-inspired us on what we can be as a couple. This is the real deal.” - Tony

The Results

By completing this 6 Week Course together you'll create..

  • Some of the best sex you've ever had - guaranteed

  • A deep knowing of what each other wants and craves in the bedroom

  • An emotional and physical connection that goes way beyond the bedroom

  • Mind-blowing pleasure

  • Longer lasting, more connected sex

  • Inspiration for what is possible in your sex and love life

  • Laughter, playfulness and fun back in the bedroom

  • Life changing sex education - for only $595

How It Works

Every week, for 6 weeks, you'll receive...

  • A sexy lesson

    Sex-changing wisdom and erotic techniques distilled down into potent 20-40 minute lessons.

  • A sexy date

    A playful, powerful erotic experience for you and your partner discover passionate, connected pleasure.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Rediscover Each Other: Transformational Sex for Committed Couples

    • Welcome to Rediscover Each Other: Transformational Sex for Committed Couples

  • 2

    Sexy Exploration

    • Learn about desire styles, the importance of practice containers, and how to see each other with new eyes.

    • Date #1 - Discover Your Partner Anew

  • 3

    Pleasuring The Pussy

    • Learn the true genius of the Pussy. How it has legs, bulbs and erectile tissue - the secrets of the Pussy that most women don't even know.

    • Date #2 - The 100% Arousal Game

  • 4

    The Cock Challenge

    • Learn ancient secrets to last longer, be more present and create more pleasure. Start to learn the importance of a non-ejaculatory focus, and the start the journey to non-ejaculatory orgasms.

    • Date #3 - The Rocketship Challenge

  • 5

    Racy Roleplay

    • Learn the value of bringing Role Play into the bedroom. How acting as different characters can actually unlock different part of ourselves for our partner to discover and enjoy.

    • Date #4 - The Kinky Masseuse

  • 6

    Power Play

    • How does power come into polarity and attraction? Learn how to use the dynamics of power, of leading and following, to sexual sensual delight.

    • Date #5 - The Play of Surrender & Leadership

  • 7

    Tantric Teaser

    • Move your sex into the higher realms. Uncover what it's like to touch the infinite in your sensual connection.

    • Date #6 - The Dance of Shiva & Kali

  • 8

    Now What?

    • What's Next

Rediscover Each Other

Transform your connection, intimacy and sex life.


  • Will we have to share about our sex life with other people?

    Nope! "Rediscover Each Other" is a private experience for you and your partner to do together. You will watch the videos in the privacy of your own home, and then do the "sexy date" at your convenience.

  • How much time does this course require?

    Each week, you will get a 20-40 minute sexy lesson to discover new erotic tools & techniques. Then you'll receive a "sexy date" to try with your partner (usually about an hour). So plan to spend about 90 minutes a week, for 6 weeks, on this course.

  • What if we have questions about the content?

    You are welcome to send us an email to [email protected] with simple questions. If you have an in-depth challenge or need more support, please book in time for us to speak at

  • What happens if we finish the course, and want more?

    Send us an email and we can explore catered, couple-to-couple coaching with Megan and James. Book in time for us to speak at